Removing a BIOS password lock on (mostly) ANY machine

In this article I will explain how you can remove most BIOS password locks using a hardware flash method with the CH341A chip. TAP IN 💯🖥️ FOR THE METHOD

jax @17 Jan 2024


Preface (Yap disclaimer🥱)

Since I havent found any specific guide instructing you to do this, outside mentioning clearning NvRAM I've decided to write one myself along with an explanation on who this article is for.

Now what you should know is this method is for when every other way to reset the BIOS fails:

  1. No visible Clear CMOS / NvRAM reset jumpers
  2. Can't boot into machine
  3. Can't enter bios (password lock)
  4. Can't change boot device
  5. Password generating sites don't work / want money 🤣🤣

Do not attempt if the system is under warranty / you don't feel confident working with electronics. You CAN fry a perfectly good BIOS chip although unlikely if you are careful and follow basic electronic safety procedures (not touching random wires togeather, machine powered off, being gentle with connectors, etc.)

The method (TAP IN📡📈)

Now my guy what you are going to need is a CH341A programmer. Without it you're gonna have to rig your own using an arduino or any controller with SPI capability but I don't recommend as the dated tools work mostly with the CH341A.


The second thing you are gonna need is software. Which ones? Well first off you're gonna need either a windows or linux version, keep in mind windows also requires the CH341A drivers which are China #1 spec'd (meaning if the installer looks scuffed they are the correct one) so keep that in mind.

Now the programs you need are IMSProg on linux or ASProgrammer on windows.

On both you are going to need a hex editor I recommend wxHexEditor which is a bit dated but supports cursor selections a bit better which is great cause we're gonna be deleting a huge chunk of memory and scrolling away at a hex file is just not worth the time. It works on Windows and Linux.


So here is where I give you THE METHOD on how you'll know what to actually delete. The key here is another software. UEFITool will give you the insight you need to know what to delete.


Now if you posess a couple of braincells all you have to do is the following:

  1. Locate the bios chip

Identify the physical location of the BIOS chip on the motherboard. The chip is typically a small, square or rectangular component and may have a label indicating its role.

  1. Line up the correct pins (dot on the chip is PIN 1 ALWAYS)

Ensure the correct alignment of the pins when connecting the CH341A programmer. The dot on the BIOS chip denotes PIN 1; always use this as a reference to prevent incorrect connections.

  1. Use the correct voltage setting on the reader

  2. Read the bios chip using the CH341A programmer and software

  3. Verify the data

  4. READ THE BIOS CHIP AGAIN AND COMPARE THE FILES (so you dont fuck it up and you have a backup)

Confirm the accuracy of the read data. This step is crucial to ensure that the backup file is intact and can be used for restoration in case of any issues.

  1. Open the .bin file in UEFITool

  2. Locate the NVRAM region byte offset before the region and after the region (FF values inside bin file are padding)

Identify the NVRAM region by locating the byte offset before and after the region within UEFITool. Pay attention to FF values inside the bin file, as they might indicate padding.

  1. Open the .bin file in a hex editor

Open the .bin file in a hex editor to directly manipulate the binary data. This step requires an understanding of the structure of the firmware file from the

  1. Select the NVRAM region and replace the region with FF bytes (make sure the file size stays the EXACT same)

Carefully select the NVRAM region in the hex editor and replace its contents with FF bytes. Ensure that the file size remains exactly the same to maintain the integrity of the firmware.

  1. Flash the new .bin file to the bios

Use the CH341A programmer and associated software to flash the modified .bin file back onto the BIOS chip. Exercise extreme caution during this step, as an unsuccessful flash can result in a bricked motherboard. Remember to adhere to safety precautions, double-check each step, and always have a backup of the original BIOS data before making any modifications.